watched 'vantage point' earlier on with adrian @ gsc pavilion. the cinema hall was not crowded (i think 'jumper' is a hit this week). some spoiler ahead...
the movie open with such an intense scenes. the first few minutes of the movie are the most shocking scene. my jaw dropped for a while and did not expect that 'soon' the intensity. however it disappear too soon also and bring you back to 23 minutes before the explosion...
what happen then.. this is where the movie begins to tight the loose end and confused your mind. true to the tag, 'you think you've seen it all? look again!'. the whole movie tell the story from eight different point of individu to unlock the truth behind of the attempt to assasinate president of the unites states. after each character tell their side of story, the movie return to 12 noon until the movie slowly unfold it plot and the action begins. 195o akira kurusawa's 'rashomon' was the idea behind the method of making this movie.
personally, i enjoyed this very much although i could hear people are sigh-ing when the scenes are back to 12 noon numerous of time. half way, i understand that the story wants you to see it all before it tells you what really happened. however, this movie does not require you to think whodunit (unlike da vinci code), but it takes you with it to unfold the mystery.
pete travis helm the movie as director and the cast are pretty good with some unknown one. dennis quaid plays lead as thomas barnes who is a veteran in POTUS sercret service that serve president of the us. along side with him is matthew fox who plays agent kent and forest whitaker as howard lewis as an american who is on holiday in spain (oh, the movie is shot in spain).
but one cast that blown me away.. his name is edgar ramirez. super hot guy! u think matthew fox is hot, think again! watching edgar on screen with huge biceps and enjoying the ride of car chasing on the street of spain is so worth my RM12!

you think he's hot? look below...

whoa! fierce baby... i love his eyes and scruffy look! yummers!!
this movie is rotten in but i beg to differ. watch it?
weather: breezy
my mind: check pink@dailybread
my joint: jacko
my ipod playing: feedback - janet jackson